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goan guava cheese recipe, perad, peerad, sweet dish, christmas, goan perad, goan peerad, goibada, goan guava cheese, sweet dish, christmas sweet, christmas perad, christmas guava perad

Goan Guava Cheese, Goan Perad / Peerad, (GOIBADA)

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  • Author: Debbie
  • Total Time: 1hour 20 minutes
  • Yield: 20 pieces 1x
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 50 minutes
  • Category: Goan Recipes, SweetDish Recipes


Guava Cheese is a very common goan Christmas recipe prepared during Xmas occasions and others. This sweet dish is also called perad / peerad or goibada. This goan perad / guava cheese is mostly very chewy, sticky made with guavas. These goan sweets are prepared in almost most of houses. Check how to make goan perad / peerad guava cheese at home


  • 500 grams guavas (ripe) ((nicely washed))
  • 350 grams sugar
  • 1 + 1/2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 tablespoon lime juice
  • pinch of salt
  • few drops Food Color (optional)


  1. For goan perad guava cheese, first in a pressure cooker put the guavas with enough water in it, and then pressure cook up to 2 whistles. Then let the cooker cool down.
  2. Then open the cooker and keep the guavas aside to cool down. And keep the water aside for further use.
  3. Now peel the skin of the guavas, cut the guavas into halves and remove the seeds from the center of the guavas and keep them aside
  4. Take the seeds and put them in the metal sieve and extract the pulp from the seeds.
  5. Grind together the guavas pieces and the seeds pulp and keep the guava puree aside.
  6. Take the pan and on medium heat, add the guava puree, sugar, lemon juice, and salt. Stir using a wooden spoon regularly to avoid sticking at the bottom.
  7. Once it starts bubbling make the heat a little low, and keep stirring. Once the mixture starts reducing and starts leaving the edge of the vessel, add the butter and color for it to get the shining look. Then stir for a few seconds more.
  8. Test it, take a bowl of cold water and add a little mixture to it. If you can form a soft ball it is done
  9. Take the tray well-greased, and pour the mixture into the tray at 1 cm thickness. And level it evenly.
  10. Now cool down the guava cheese at room temperature overnight or for 6 -7 hours. Then cut it into pieces you like. And store the goan guava cheese / perad pieces in an airtight container.


  • These goan perad / guava cheese pieces can be stored in an airtight container for at least 2 weeks.
  • To make goan peerad / goan guava cheese use very ripe guavas
  • If you don’t want to use a pressure cooker, the guavas can be boiled in water also
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