Natural Home Remedies for Common Cold

by Debbie
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Natural Home Remedies for Common Cold can be used for nose running, sneezing, slight cough and headaches which disturb person’s lifestyle and make the person feel uneasy.

This common cold is mostly caused by a most common virus known as ‘Rhinovirus’ that infects the upper respiratory system and can infect the lower respiratory system also.

The is the most common disease caused to humans and is very infectious. There are very contagious diseases that spread by air and physical touch to an infected portion.

Common Symptoms for Common Cold

  • Sore Throat
  • Cough
  • Running Nose
  • Blocked Nose
  • Mild Fever
  • Continuous Sneezing
  • Hoarse Voice
  • Headache

Here are some Home Remedies for Common Cold

1. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Garlic

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Garlic is one of the most common ingredient available in all kitchens. Garlic has the compound allicin which has got natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which can boost your body’s immune system to naturally fight against the virus to get rid of Common Cold. Garlic also helps in clearing the respiratory passages and flushing the toxins. Use Garlic for common cold by taking 3-4 cloves of garlic and boiling with 1 cup water and then add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. You can have this mixture 2- 3 times a day. You can also have raw garlic instead of this mixture or have raw garlic with food.

2. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Ginger

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Ginger is another cooking ingredient present in all kitchens. Ginger has anti-inflamatory, anti-viral and anti-oxidants properites which also helps in boosting the immune system of the body. Ginger also helps in keeping the body warm. Ginger helps in giving a relief from cold and prevent it from getting more worse. To Get Rid of common cold using ginger, prepare ginger tea by taking 2 tablespoons of chopped ginger and crushing it and boil it with 3 cups of water and then let it be on low flame for 5 minutes. You can have these 3 cups three times a days by straining the water and have it mixing little lime juice and honey.

3. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Black Pepper

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Black Pepper still another kitchen ingredient, it is also known as ‘King of Spices’ not only because of food cooking but it can also be used for home remedies. There is a important key component called the ‘piperine’ in Black Pepper which helps in reducing many health problems. Black Pepper has antioxidants, antibacterial and antibiotics properties. Piperine in Black Pepper helps for cough, throat pain, sneezing and running nose. Take half teaspoon ground black pepper mixed in 1 glass lukewarm warm. After 2-3 hours you can again take it. You can try adding the black pepper powder to your meal.

4. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Turmeric Milk

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Turmeric Milk is one of the old traditional home remedy used for Common Cold. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties, milk and turmeric both has antioxidant properties. Turmeric also boosts the immune body system. Turmeric also has the major component called the ‘curcumin’ which helps in giving quick relief from cold. Take one glass milk and 1 teaspoon turmeric powder and boil it, then add little honey to make it sweet. Let it cool down and have it when it becomes warm. Have this at night before going to sleep.

5. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Raw Honey

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

It is always better to use natural raw honey because it has all its basic properties like the anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial that helps to fight virus to get rid of common cold. Honey is very useful giving relief from sore throat and scratchy throats. It also boosts the body’s immune system which helps to reduce common cold and helps to prevent the future cold. Have one tablespoon of raw honey, 2 to 3 times a day. Another alternate take two tablespoons raw honey, l tablespoon squeezed lemon juice and 1 cup hot water mixed together 2 – 3 times a day, (optional – you can also add little ginger juice)

6. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Chicken Soup

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Using Chicken Soup for common cold is a very famous home remedy for cold which was followed from our grandparents’ age. Chicken soup boosts the immune system of the body. Chicken Soup also contains ingredients which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic properties. The Chicken Soup contains the necessary body calcium, minerals and nutrients for the body and helps to get rid of the cold at home. Chicken Soup also helps for sore throat and cough. Check here on how to prepare chicken soup at home.

7. Home Remedy for Common Cold with Steam Inhalation

Natural Home Remedies for Cold without medicines, How to Get Rid of Common Cold at Home

Steam Inhalation is a home remedy for common cold which I and many others are using from their childhood. This is the best home remedy to reduce your sore throat, sinus, colds and cough and nose blockage. It improves breathing, clears congestion and makes you feel better than before. This steam inhalation can be done by adults and children also (not infants). To do steam inhalation boil water in a vessel and then breath steam by covering some cover over the head and not allowing the steam to escape. You can even buy a steam inhaler available online.

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Natural Home Remedies for Common Cold via @debbierodriz

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Ninve January 25, 2021 - 2:50 pm

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Shraon June 19, 2021 - 11:03 pm

Thanks, a good solution for home remedies for common cold

Kafer April 5, 2023 - 12:54 am

Im grateful for the post. Really Great.


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